Archive for tire flip workouts

Sandbag, Tire Flips, and Sprints Workout

Posted in Mma workouts, sandbag cleans, Sandbag workouts, sprint workouts, tire flip workouts, tire flips with tags , , , , , on April 30, 2009 by mmaworkouts

Today I got to the gym at about 7am and I just did my own thing. I’ve decided that I’m going to do really heavy, intense workouts monday and thursday, and then my mma workouts on tuesdays and fridays with wednesdays off.

I started off with some squats. I did 3 sets of 10, 8, and 6. Then I did bench with the same sets and reps.

Next I did pullups. I’m still weak at overhand widegrip pullups and I want to get to where I can do 20 at one time with good form. Anyways, I did as many as I could do until my sets equaled 20. I did 6,5,5, and then 4.

I’ve been wanting to do more sandbag workouts and tire flip workouts and spront workouts so I decided to make a circuit out all 3.

First I did 3 minutes of hitting the tire with the sledgehammer, then 3 minutes of sandbag cleans(freakin brutal), then 3 minutes of tire flips( its a big-ass tractor tire not a scooter tire), then I put a smaller tire on the harness and did 3 minutes of non stop 50 yard sprints. My last set was 3 minutes of 50 yard sprints just bodyweight.

Today was one of my better workouts- I feel exhausted and depleted but its a good exhausted.